These resources are created by Patrick Bezalel and free for download as a means of sharing tools with the Body of Christ to spread the Gospel. Enjoy your browse of the various collections and may they bless your work or ministry. Do note also that they are artistic renditions for visualization purposes and may not hold the exact biblical and historical accuracy.

These resources are not to be reproduced commercially but are free only for ministry or personal use. If you are blessed by Patrick’s work, you may support his ministry in spreading the Gospel at the giving section below.

Rainbow Collection – April 2023
April 2023 Hills Collection
April 2023 Cows Collection
April 2023 Germany Collection – Part 2
April 2023 Germany Collection – Part 1
Olive Collection
Sheep Grazing – Part 2
Sheep Grazing – Part 1
Jesus at the Cross – VR Art Collection
Inner Court of the Ark
Tabernacle Camp Collection
Burnt Altar
Ark of the Covenant Collection
Elements of the Ark Collection
Altar with Incense
Armour of God – Romans Edition
Armour of God – Medieval Edition
Waves Collection
Swan Collection
Sheep Collection
Germany – Waterfall
Germany – Water under a Bridge
Germany – Still River Collection
Germany – Smoky Mountains
Germany – Road Overview Shots
Germany – Flowing River Collection
Germany – Overview Shot
Germany – Farm
Germany – Clouds
Germany – Church Collection
Germany – Bridge
Australia – Beach
Australia – Creek
Australia – Marsh and Bridge
Australia – Waves next to Mountain
Australia – Neighbourhoods
Australia – Still Lake
Australia – Water with Sunset
Australia – Waves
Australia – Overview of Waves
Australia – Waves with Arch in Background
Jesus at the Cross – VR Artwork
Table of Showbread – 360 Version
Menorah – 360 Version
Basin – 360 Version
Altar with Incense – 360 Version
Ark of the Covenant – Inner Court
Burnt Altar (360 Version)
Ark of the Covenant

Give and Support Patrick’s Art Ministry

As these resources were created for non-profit purposes to support the Body of Christ in sharing the Gospel, your giving will go towards the development of more assets for Patrick’s art ministry.